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Southwestern province

Kappa Alpha Psi Greek letters

The Southwestern Province of Kappa Alpha Psi, Incorporated consists of Arkansas, Louisiana, Southern Mississippi, New Mexico, and Texas.


The Southwestern Province came into existence early in the 20th century in a series of developments under a succession of the Grand Polemarch.

The Tenth Grand Chapter Meeting was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 30, 1920, to January 1, 1921, with the Lambda and Epsilon Chapters as hosts. George F. David II, Grand Keeper of the Exchequer, became the first Grand Polemarch who had not been nurtured by the Alpha Chapter under the influence of the Founders. David’s election was crucial. However, there was no need to worry. His administration would, in part, reflect the thoroughness with which the Fraternity’s ideas had been transmitted. The Grand Polemarch’s grasp of the organization’s needs was manifest in his initial steps to satisfy them. His first step was to divide the Fraternity into supervisory districts, an idea given him by his father, then a presiding Elder of the AME Church, and a member of the Fraternity. The creation of these first three districts laid the groundwork for the creation of the Southwestern Province.

For more information, visit the Southwestern Province’s website at

Kappa Alpha Psi Southwestern Province seal
Kappa Alpha Psi Southwestern Province

I've fought in three wars and three more wouldn't be too many to defend my country. I love America and as she has weaknesses or ills, I'll hold her hand.

Gen. Daniel "Chappie James Jr., Kappa Alpha Psi

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